Barbara Buchegger/Josef Hochgerner (Hg.): Telework ’96 Telearbeit in Europa

Cover Buchegger Hochgern Telework Verlag Guthmann-PetersonTexte über Telearbeit


364 pages, Pb.
€ 9,51/sfr 18,10
ISBN 3-900782-33-4
Englischsprachige Publikation


Sammelband: Telearbeit in Europa, Tagung Telework ’96

Working in a Wider Europe Proceedings of the 3rd European Assembly on Telework and New Ways of Working Edited by Barbara Buchegger and Josef Hochgerner, ECTF Austria

Über das Buch

Die Tagung Telework ’96 im Wiener Rathaus beschäftigte sich vor allem mit dem wachsenden Bedarf an nationenübergreifenden Standards für die Anwendung von Telework, auch außerhalb der EU. „Working in a Wider Europe“ lässt sich in zweierlei Hinsicht verstehen: es bezieht sich einerseits auf eine Erweiterung individueller Lebensperspektiven und andererseits auf ein Forcieren der europäischen Integration, besonders hinsichtlich der mittel- und osteuropäischen Länder. Die Tagung war zugleich eine hochrangige wissenschaftliche Zusammenkunft, eine gutbesetzte politische Konferenz und eine Geschäftsmesse, die sich durch verschiedenste Medien und begleitende Veranstaltungen auch an die breitere Öffentlichkeit wandte. Der vorliegende Band bietet den aktuellen Diskussionsstand hinsichtlich der möglichen Auswirkungen und Potentiale von Telework auf den Arbeitsmarkt am privatwirtschaftlichen und öffentlichen Sektor, für den Einzelnen und die gesamte Marktwirtschaft; die Anforderungen, Chancen und Gefahren eines Lebens in der Informationsgesellschaft; und die ökologischen Vorteile von Teleworking durch „papierlose Büros“ und Transportvermeidung. Erfahrungsberichte, Fallstudien und die Diskussion arbeits- und sozialrechtlicher Maßnahmen ergänzen den umfassenden Einblick in das gesellschaftliche Potential von Telework. Since 1994 the European Community Telework Forum (ECTF) has transformed its Annual Assembly into an open event called the „European Assembly on Telework and New Ways of Working“. It became the largest and most important European summit on the subject of telework, leading the „European Telework Week“ which is promoted under the auspices of the European Commission, DGXIII. The 1st European Assembly was held 1994 in Berlin (Reichstag), the 2nd Assembly was organized in Rome (Auditorium della Tecnica/Confederation of Italian Industry), the 3rd Assembly took place in Vienna (Rathaus/City Hall, Nov. 4-6, 1996). Telework 96 focused on the increasing demand for transnational standards concerning the implementation of telework, taking into consideration new membership applications to the European Unity. „Working in a Wider Europe“ may be read in a twofold way: Referring to an extension of individual life perspectives on the one hand, and as a metaphor for the promotion of the process of European integration on the other hand, whereby the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) are of particular interest. The format of the event covered the types of a high level scientific conference, a political assembly and business exhibition, addressing also the broad public by an extensive use of all applicable media and by the implementation of some specific organizational procedures and stimulating additional events. Three main topics were discussed in three tracks and provided a very large and comprehensive platform to observe and promote progress of teleworking in Europe: – „Getting people to work“ Labour market developments and unemployment will remain top political issue of the next years. The conference highlighted the impact and potentials of teleworking regarding organizational frames of companies, civic cooperation and public-private partnerships. – „Training for life in the Information Society“ New methods and case studies regarding teaching, vocational training and continuous education were shown as indispensible prerequisites of socially and economically desirable modes of teleworking in the scope of the coming knowledge economy. – „Working towards sustainability“ Contributions to this track dealt with various concepts of sustainability and transportation issues. A changing environment may evolve in innovative forms of communication and transportation, as was demonstrated by multi-media and tele-conferencing presentations of many kinds during the conference.The printed proceedings will be accompanied by a CD ROM edition, containing in particular multi-media and electronically transmitted materials (e.g. contributions to the „Teleworker’s Corner“ established as part of the business exhibition).

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